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Email *
How long have you been saving on Spacerent? * Less than a month Less than a month 1-3 months 4-6 months More than 6 months I have not started saving
If not started saving, tell us why? (Select all that apply) * I have technical issues setting up my account I have technical issues setting up my account I am not clear on how the process works I haven't had enough funds to start saving I am using another saving platform Other
If Other, Please Specify
What motivated you to start using Spacerent? (Select all that apply) * Saving for rent more efficiently Saving for rent more efficiently The loan feature (30% rent top-up) Convenience of automated savings Recommendation from a friend/family Other (please specify)
If Other, Please specify
How easy was it for you to set up your rent savings on Spacerent? * Very easy Very easy Somewhat easy Difficult Very difficult
If Difficult, what made it difficult for you?
What additional features or improvements would you like to see in Spacerent? (Select all that apply) * More flexible savings frequency options More flexible savings frequency options Lower interest rates on loans Ability to withdraw savings early Notifications and reminders for savings Other
If Other, Please specify
How satisfied are you with the communication and support provided by Spacerent (e.g., customer service, help desk)? * Very satisfied Very satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral
How did you first hear about Spacerent? * Social media Social media Word of mouth Advertisement Search engine Other
If Other, Please specify
If Spacerent were to offer more educational resources (e.g., financial literacy, saving tips), would you find them useful? * Yes, very useful Yes, very useful Somewhat useful Not necessary
Do you have other recommendations for us to help ease your rent process?