Take Control of your Future, One Deposit at a Time
Secure Your Future with RentSpace. Save consistently and take control of your finances.

Set and Achieve Multiple Savings Goals Effortlessly
Space Deposit helps you manage your savings and make progress toward all your financial aspirations.
Space Deposit offers a flexible way for Nigerians to save and grow their money, whether for emergencies or future investments. With options for both flexible and fixed savings.

See what SpaceDeposit users have to say.
You don't need to have high blood pressure because of finances anymore!. SpaceDeposit is here to help.

Kareem Oluwaseyi
Saving system with various saving plans that allow users to save money.

Joshua Emmanuel
Business Owner
Helps me stay disciplined. I recommend!

Doyinsola Adesola
Store Owner
Save towards a specific goal with SpaceDeposit. Say goodbye to urgent 2k.

Ayorinde Olorunniyi
Business Owner